英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:50:09

turn the corner

英 [tə:n ðə ˈkɔ:nə]

美 [tɚn ði ˈkɔrnɚ]

有了转机; 好转; 拐弯
  • 网络解释

1. turn the corner的近义词

1. 拐弯:turn tail 逃跑 | turn the corner 拐弯 | turn the edge of 弄钝

2. turn the corner的翻译

2. 从侧翼控制火灾:turn out 通知消防队接警出动 | turn the corner 从侧翼控制火灾 | turn-out bell 出动铃

3. 拐弯空投<向着火头空投:turn-out bell 出动铃 | turn-the corner 拐弯空投turnaround 周转时间

4. 拐弯, 转危为安:Turn something on its head 把东西反过来 | Turn the corner 拐弯, 转危为安 | **Turn the crack 改变话题

Jason told him to have confidence, to turn the corner and go in to the basket with a purpose, "Jones said."(“基德告诉他要有信心,从边角切进来目标要明确,”琼斯说。)
Your husband's operation was successful, but he won't turn the corner for at least 48 hours.(给你丈夫做的手术很成功,不过,至少得48小时他才能脱离危险。)
How to turn the corner in case of crisis.(遭遇危机如何转危为安。)
We counted cars and tried to guess the color of the next one to turn the corner.(我们数着汽车,并猜下一辆要从街角拐过来的汽车的颜色。)
We turn the corner and confront a wall of Legos. Lego trucks, cranes, ambulances, armored knights, robots, boats, and police cars.(我们转过拐角看到了一排乐高玩具,卡车,吊车,救护车,装甲武士,机器人,船还有警车。)
What kind of indications are you looking for as signs that the economy is about to get better and that the stock market and the investment world are about to turn the corner?(您觉得出现什么迹象就能表明经济将出现好转,股市和整个投资界即将转危为安了?)
She is very ill but seem to have turn the corner now.(她曾病得很重,但现在看上去已好转了。)
Turn left at the next corner.(下一个路口向左拐。)
One does not remember the flowers or the comliments. One remembers standing at an upstairs window staring dowm the evening-shadowed street waiting for him to turn the corner.(她不记得那些鲜花或赞美声。她只记得在楼上窗前的站立,凝视着被夜幕笼罩的街道,等待他出现在街角。)
You must address resistance head on and address people's needs to help them turn the corner.(你必须解决迎面而来的阻力、处理人们的需要,帮助他们渡过难关。)
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